This is an entirely new ship for EV... it performs like the Defender but better in basically every area, and costs a tad more. It's a seperate ship and doesn't replace any other ships or anything, and appears properly in shipyards, etc. It's a pirate-operated ship, since I felt any additions to the Rebel/Confed fleets would unbalance them. It can be bought on the pirate-owned planets, as well as a couple other planets. I've only managed to test it for about 10 minutes after I cleaned out what I thought all the rough edges were. I really don't know what else to say, other than to expect more ships from us and the EVMMG in the next week or two...
_Sky_ did the graphics and provided ideas/suggestions, and can be found on #ev as _Sky_ or _Sky_ev.
I basically put everything in its place and messed around with ResEdit until it started working properly, and can be found on #ev as ArtyMorty, or contacted at after around May 20.
Redistribute this wherever you like, but *please* remember to include the readme.